Oh yes, Lavender roses are a favorite of many!
Lavender roses come in several different shades from pale to dark and inbetween!
Fancies Flowers has 3 different shades of Lavender roses in right now for delivery.
Cool Water, which is a soft lavender color
Moody Blues, is a more vivid lavender color
Blueberry, a new color of a darker lavender rose
All 3 colors of lavender are beautiful!
FANCIES FLOWERS located in Rapid City, SD, will arrange 1 dozen of these beautiful lavender roses for you! Our 1 dozen rose arrangements are large, ranging in height from 24"-36" tall. We use alot of fresh greenery and if you order the white babies breath we add in lots and lots of that!
1 dozen Lavender roses arranged in a vase with assorted fresh greenery and a bow are $89.99
If you would like a filler flowers along with the lavender roses that is $20.00 more for $109.99
These are our Valentine prices, which are way more higher that our regular prices because of the higher cost of the roses at this holiday time.